Sunday, February 22, 2009

festa intrudu 2009

festa intrudu or water festival 2009 is a week before lent (the month before easter) and is basically THE day when you can throw water at anyone who dares to walk into portuguese settlement :) of course i was all excited to go and two days before it was the day i get the flu! that didnt stop me :) the water throwing excitement was great. we got ICE and threw it in our stash. it was soooo cold, with the throwing going from 9.30 to 12.00 and random people throwing water at you, some with horrible fierceness! my eye took a beating from some ganas splash.

if you throw water at someone older, you offer them a drink of wine, a small cup from your bottle. part of the festivities also includes a fancy dress football :) HAHA imagine guys running around with their dresses. the men were all tooooo please to flash their pink LACEY g-strings at us!!! i think im gonna go blind, and for ur sake ive "watered" down the pics :)
its fun, its not as "known" as san pedro's festival and much less people come but i think it might be more entertaining and fun. in addition, the significance of the festa is the washing away of our sins. And yes people, only Jesus does that for us, guilt free :) AMEN :)
ps. the "romantic" blurry feel to the picture is because the camera was in a clear albeit wet plastic bag :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

honey, honey

dear jess,

what shall we talk about today? hmm. should i give you the "low down" on my life? today i realised that my student i've thought for for two years is now taller than me. *blink* should i tell you what ive been up to? i tried to play tennis today but the gates were locked and almost crawled under the tennis court wires. *blink*

i guess small talk is not really suited to us.

i did have plenty things i wanted to say though now it seems just unnecesary. i think though, that when i dont write to you its a sign that i'm neither angry nor ambitious, vicous nor depressed.

i hear that artists especially musicians are emotion junkies and they need the lows to get into the song writing mood.. maybe im a mood junkie too.

in the meanwhile.