Saturday, February 14, 2009

honey, honey

dear jess,

what shall we talk about today? hmm. should i give you the "low down" on my life? today i realised that my student i've thought for for two years is now taller than me. *blink* should i tell you what ive been up to? i tried to play tennis today but the gates were locked and almost crawled under the tennis court wires. *blink*

i guess small talk is not really suited to us.

i did have plenty things i wanted to say though now it seems just unnecesary. i think though, that when i dont write to you its a sign that i'm neither angry nor ambitious, vicous nor depressed.

i hear that artists especially musicians are emotion junkies and they need the lows to get into the song writing mood.. maybe im a mood junkie too.

in the meanwhile.

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