Tuesday, January 04, 2005

I hATE wEaRiNg hEeLs sO sUe mE!!

dear jess,

Being a woman like me, and yes i do sometimes would like to be thought of as a woman, i was wondering if you ever wondered what really makes a woman? Should we all be dainty, presentable and soft spoken? Nothing wrong with those characteristics, but what about women who wear their hair short, and are big bonned? and what about women who are well not so on the soft side and speak out right? what about women who dont want to stay at home when they are married, hates cleaning the house and thinks manicures are a waste of time? are we any less a woman? heck no! are we any less attractive? i hesitate to answer that..

Now see, i was thinking about this and i realise that despite the fact that we've entered into worlds of change since our parents' time, alot of men still find a typicallly 'woman' very attractive. Whilst im not saying that women should just 'let go' and not look after themselves, are women more accepting of men and how they look? Are we the ones who end up with beer bellied men and accept it anyhow? Or are women culprits to the whole idealism of what a men should OWN rather than BE in preparation of a relationship? Worse still are women just as guilty if not MORE of placing 'womenly women' on a high up pedestal of what a "REAL WOMAN" should be??

I have to admit that i realise this through my own dreary mistake that i so would love to blame on the upbringing of society, but i am society. Upon looking at a girl who was beyond dainty but nevertheless beautiful beyond skin deep, i made the comment that 'she would grow out of it' in my mind thinking that it was a phase. And what if it isnt? Does that mean she would be lesser of a woman, or less attractive?

Im talking about beyond "womenly" personality. So we dont speak softly, we're competitive and maybe we're not always "beautiful" (dont even get me started on the meaning of beauty..), but never short of being a woman.

Well enough said, i dont think a woman should say so much? what can i say im a product of
so-cie-ty.. haha

yours, a different kind of woman and proud of it,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're not alone, girl! i reckon there's too much of do's and don'ts for women nowadays so at the end of the day if you're happy with who you are, it shows and regardless of whether you're male or female - people will love you because you love yourself :)
p/s: manicures hurt and women who speak their minds are less likely to end up killing themselves or others because they don't bottle everything! (in my opinion anyway)