Monday, January 24, 2005

tHe LiFeLoNg qUesTiOn Of WhAt DO wOMen WaNt?

dear jess,

what do women want really? and why on earth dont men get us? its a question probably before the dawn of time considering that we are two totally different beings who despite the fact ive had had best friends who are guys, still manage to leave me in total puzzlement.

As a pro modern woman, why i mean seriously WHYY...

WHYYYYYYYY do women want to be competitive at work and YET would love it if you opened the door for them?
WHHHYYYYY would women want men to see them as equals and yet want to be coaxed when their crying?

and most of all, whilst playing futsal- which in case you guys dont know is probably the next feminist movement of today, WHY do you have to GIVE us the ball or on the other extreme IGNORE us totally? guess what guys? the girls can play! and if that hurts your egos to much, guess again cos some of them can play much better than you!

Okay, so ill stop the male bashing for one second and help you to try understand our difficult consequences. Girls havent been playing since they were young, unlike guys, hence the slight advantage that its second nature to guys. However girls can play and its just like if you added a new guy team member to your team, and guess what? even that guy doesnt get what i call the PITY PLAY that we girls do.

hang on guys, just a bit more.. Do you know that women have to work three times harder than guys on the "field" because they need to proove themselves twice as hard, and then at the back of their heads they are aware that the men feel uncomfortable with them on the "field", hence playing 'softer' or you know.. its not a real game.

So i know you tell me that in "REALITY" there are no mix leagues anyways, but really this is beyond the game? its an attitude of how guys treat us in reality as in, in the game!

Which brings us to the next problem of which the guys are probably frustrated by now? So what do girls want? Do they want to be treated extra special in work or in games? Would we like it if the guys were tooo rough? if we dont give them the ball, we're mean, if we give them the ball, we're mean too? i mean girls seriously how do we want to be treated?

So lets compromise to answer this one? Girls get off that pretty looks and long hair and go grab the ball, don't expect the guys to give it to you, if you want to be treated equally. AND guys whilst we dont want to be pitied, when we happen to be in your team? i think we should be treated just that way, we might, might just LIKE YOU GUYS miss one or two kicks, but we'll get there.

Whilst we let the men be men, dont forget that the women still want you to open their doors, and be a gentlemen, right after that grueling game!

Still confused? well its simple, women arent a bi-product of a singular answer, just like men.

yours kicking and fighting,


-- J e e L e e -- said...

Women won't be women if we're the simple and easy type. Who ever says tat we're gonna be easy? who ever says we're gonna make life good for guys?
and yet, guys grumble and wish we are simplier...
it's not that we're complicated. It's our nature. Haha......

If it doesn't kill u, it makes u stronger. ( The it here refers to women!)

We have PMS and guys, guys, dont complain bout girls....
And girls, be as comfortable as u are!!!

Girls too find guys the type dats "can't live without them but can't live with them"

i guess another tip: if u dont understand women, mebbe u shouldn't try too hard. We're no easy product...hahah

Anonymous said...

to quote Orkid's mom's words to her dad, in the film 'Sepet', "You don't have to understand us, just love us." ;)