Thursday, May 24, 2007

bEst kEpt sEcReTs oF tHe sOuTh aNd mAdNeSs oF tHe miNd

dear jess,

I know you will believe me when I say I don’t want to come back. Its only a couple of hours away but still.. I suppose being away makes you feel that for once you don’t have to live up to everyone else’s expectations.

We do so many things to please people. family, friends and the ever saying yes to easter plays so that the confrontation of finding a better excuse other than “I don’t feel like it” won't be too awkward.

But when you’re away, all people expect of you, is to enjoy yourself. And sometimes, you realize that people back home, all they want you to do, really, is what they want. Or what needs to get done.

As usual. Just like the degree I majored in, I have more questions than conclusions.

Here’s my take on the best kept secrets down south, some i've discovered for the first time too, and well some other madness that kept me sane.

i have gladly drowned you with pictures after pictures after pictures..


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