Sunday, February 13, 2005

ReLaTioNshiPs wOrK oNLY whEn iT goEs tHe wAy wE wAnT thEm tO..

dear jess

When your mum gave birth to you, it worked because she didn’t realize you’d become a starving musician,
When your dad paid for your pampers, it worked because he didn’t think you’d be single for so long

When your husband proposed, it worked because you thought he could give you security,
When you signed the divorce, it worked because it might keep him away

When you forgave him, it worked because you thought he wouldn’t do it again.
When you agreed to the friendship, it worked because you didnt know he was gay.

When you started sulking, it worked because you thought we cared
When you started to attend, it worked because you thought you’d fit in

When you started giving, it worked because you imagined a breakthrough.
When you started loving, it worked because you didn’t think it would hurt.

When your best friend told you who he liked, it worked because you didn’t know it would be her!
When you started trusting, it worked because you thought she wouldn’t tell.

When you started to be honest, it worked because you didn’t think she would lie.
When you decided to move away from them, it worked because you didn’t know that people are all the same.


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