Monday, June 13, 2005

iTs rAinInG mEN!!!!!!!!!!

dear jess,

Ive been having some retrospective last few days, with no best frens by to share it with. Hence the letter, i suppose. Its difficult to express what i want to say to you. Most of it are already well known facts just repeated throughout history. You'd think that people learned from their mistakes right? well they dont. Human beings are self destructive.

Why do women fall in love with the wrong men, wait for them patiently just for a glimmer of hope and when that glimmer appears, they jump to their feet and dive in head first, only to land in a swimming pool without water. I thought women would've evolved into self sufficient creatures that beyond the pretense of independence and self-suffiency, they really are independent and self-sufficient. Dissapointment sinks in.

ive heard women talk about men who dont get 'it' that they're not interested but ive also known men who can be 'hot' one minute and stone cold the next. Men who can't stay loyal, and women who are happy wit no-strings attached relationships. Men who've been with that one women for decades and no one knows anything about her and women who arent ready to commit...

Maybe its just a human problem not a gender one. Sometimes i wished people were just honest and they'd just say 'hey i used to like you but i dont anymore' or 'hey im a jerk and im cheating but if you dont mind, im ok with it'

Im not kidding. Its better to be an honest jerk than just a jerk (men and women alike). Meanwhile, it feels like a drought, and maybe thats a pretty good thing. I've come to a point when i've had to witness emotional break downs and drama's that were grieving. Ive never seen such pain that was worse than that of a death. That's what we are, self destructive all for the sake of the hope of love? Ah, my road to bitterness and cynic lives on. Haha....



Anonymous said...

it's raining all the wrong men!! :p


jess said...

hahahahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa(ahem) yeah.. SIGH all the guys 'we know' are gonna boycot now ;) hehe