Monday, July 04, 2005

sNap, sNap, SnaP..

dear jess,

the anorexiclly sexy chris martin of coldplay (not all buffed men are sexy, and not all skinny men are not) is a sight for sore eyes as he journeys to africa in support of the fast fuelling live 8 efforts. Iam at last, made aware!

Live 8 effort is building awarenes to the 8 political leaders of the current situation in africa namely poverty. So many children die every day one report said 15 in less than 5 minutes (thats one commercial break)! and the effort aims at three things.

The three issues that the artists and 'commoners' are aiming at are -in my lay men's explanation 1) avoid trade 'dumping' to african countries (food products ie. rice from other countries get dumped in africa at cheap prices, thus affecting the farming in their own country 2)increase and to give better aid (countries not giving enough as promised, and not good ones, ie education and health) 3)write off debts (complications would occur bc some places in africa can afford to pay back, thx to oil etc, and writing off=declaring bancruptcy=no future borrowing)

In support of Live 8, please visit or wear a white band (they're not sold here... go get the cheapo ones from McD's?) which i have of course previously refused to wear - it being so cliched with just about everyone wearing one! ish ish ish..

Educate yourself! feel free to educate me :) if you look like chris martin i'd pay more attention, but heck ill listen..

Ah! my second non selfish letter to you :) im getting better everyday.. haha

snap, snap, snap - a child dies every 3 seconds out of ectreme poverty.


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