Monday, February 12, 2007

wHere iS mY biG bLacK hOrSe aNd a ChErRy tReE?

dear jess,

after living for almost THREE decades (well soon enough) and speaking the same language all this time, you'd think you got it down?

well, i guess not. apparently i need someone to help me out with my language on my ever being worked at thesis. my scatterbrain-ness (this is how i deteriorate my language) is showing and ive got information here, there, past and present tenses, everywhere else.

the only girl i know who has the qualifications to read my nonsense is busy with her own nonsense and is getting only four hours of sleep. well, at least she wont be needing to find an extra person to read her stuff for language :)

i think i need to sound smart. and we all know thats not gonna happen anytime soon. Anyone needs an extra reading material?

ps. if there were any mistakes in my letter, it wasnt mean as a joke within a joke. yes i think i really do need help :)

thank God for kt tunstall :) two seconds of her and your spirits are all lifted up.

A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people. -Thomas Mann



mei said...

hey i just found out pressing Ctrl+F opens a search function for ur word doc. which has nothing at all to do with this post but it helps and i had nowhere else to spill this...haha

jess said...

yeah haha ive been using it on my thesis a whole lot. if u ter-highlight (see i need yoU!!!!)your paragraph and ctr-F a word, it'll only search in that para. haha we're sad. any cure for the aching right arm from the back right to the thumbs?? it hurts sooo bad :P

sooaun said...
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sooaun said...

man.... that function is on the edit menu and has been there since spoilt apples didn't mean faulty G4s!

mei said...

yes, i am stoopid. next question, pls.