Tuesday, July 05, 2005

giMME a piCk Up LiNE NOW!!

dear jess,

me and my inseparable beloved cousins went to the gym today. As usual we did our usual bitching and people staring, blaming everyone for taking so long at the machines etc, etc. AS we were sitting at the bar, in original intention to join the latin dance class, which idea was abandoned immediately looking at the instructor's body moving, there he was....

Elsa alerted us, and like the donkeys we were, we all checked him out at the same time. Of course lar, he noticed. nevermind, its not the first time us 3 musketeers have done something silly. As we went on to doing our routine, we managed to catch glimpses of him. glimpses were underated, my cousins sat there and stared at him working out! (yes them not me- yet)

As the story goes on, we move to the bar again to drink, and we got to talking about guys who knew girls were checking them out and did nothing about. Sigh, and being the post modern women that we were we opted to give our mysterious hunk elsa's number. Its not like its a first time we've done this! The only previous problems were the one guy i passed my cousins number too was gay, or attached. What the heck you only live once.

I decided after my two previous failures to take a back seat as elaine approached him. After our quick hit and run, which probably left him confused, he later came looking for us, and talked to us. The swedish-chinese hunk wasnt just plain gorgeus with a body to match, he was a cook! Whose specialty was french food. Tell me how does that not seem like a dream to you?

Cut the long story short, they went out on a date, and things apparently looks promising. In the meanwhile, elaine and i are filled with bitter jealousy and we wonder would it have made a difference if it was one of us who gave our number? Did he really eye her? Would he just have been head over heels because being approached is plain flattering? Like i said - jealousy.

Groan. In the meanwhile, Gustav (yeah the least sexy thing about him) and the whole idea of going "hi my cousin is interested in you and would like you to have her number" has set us to believe that guys don take the first step.

And whilst im not looking forward to any dates from some stranger, i cant help but to wonder...

ps. he's got brothers (wink wink)



Anonymous said...

methinks that family is so lucky to haf ppl matchmaking them all the time.

remember my helping their dear brother? lol.

jess said...

and they went on a date tonight! i wondeer how that went.. hmm we should start charging 4 our services eh? J&K dating services-"we dont believe it'll work, but we dont stop you from believing it" :P cynical as always

Anonymous said...

hahaha good one. that's spot on.

we really should make money out of all the approaching we do on other ppl's behalf :p