Friday, May 27, 2005

tHe aNti pRoZaC dRuG cOuLd bE tHE aNsWeR

dear jess,

do you realize that our lives revolve around bitching about something? That if we are truly, truly happy it doesn’t make any sense? I know its bizarre but it seems so wrong to say that everything in your life is going great, and you wouldn’t want to change it, well of course except for the occasional extraordinary people who win some reality show (what is entertainment becomin these days, lets talk about that some other day over a dollop of affogato)

If someone succeeds we silently curse him and in the back of your, fine, my mind you, i mean i, will list all his faults. And here's one, we hate chirpy people, i mean seriously what is their problem???? Can't they stop smiling so much, im pretty sure there's someone dying unjustified in an unknown country somewhere, while their smirk becomes engraved.

We love the fact that people annoy us and there are those that are so stupid we can become angry over, or give them a piece of our mind. A perfect world seems kinda far fetched and, err not so interesting?

I mean where then would all the people we bitched about end up? Who would we make fun off if there wasn’t a "im to old to go clubbin guy" at rum jungle who dances like there's a "cockroach in his pants" with tennis shoes, hands up in the air, to a song that was popular during the stone age; or what kind of conversations would we have if it wasn’t over the idiocy of the guy at the gym who asks you to follow the rules that makes no sense, but he tells you to do it with determination.

And seriously, who would we be left to bitch about if there wasn’t those annoyingly happy people that can't turn a smile into a frown?
Imperfectness. Its a drug. Or maybe our 'true happiness' comes from other peoples horrid miseries or this imperfection helps us appreciate the good times in our lives. Who knows.

Right now I’ll just look forward to all my little joys in life from Starbucks to eating Italian tomorrow with my cynical half and the "bloke wit the case of the mysterious missing autographed CD" (that’s another story altogether) WHislT we three perhaps bitch about the miseries of life, and people...

"Life is a hospital in which every patient is possessed by the desire to change his bed."
-Charles Baudelaire

love, or should i say hate?? :)

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