Friday, May 13, 2005

iVe diScOvErED wHaT LeAvEs mE SpEecHLeSs..

dear jess,

i hate writting too many letters in a short span of time, because i usually think that the previous letter makes a much better read, especially in this instance, and i figure people would skip reading that. However, i have discovered the one thing that made me absolutely speechless tonight.

i ironed an absolutely difficult pants, wore heels, willingly got lost in KL to watch a play i was looking forward to. Its been a while since i stepped into a theatre and the feeling gave me joy again- shortlived.

The play opened with a guy who was shouting, as it seems i think he thought he was projecting his voice. He then starts to limp and after two seconds of pushing the thought that im being a perfectionist, he stops limping. So was he suppose to limp? Ok nevermind. Then the whole family goes on stage, says lots of line, the plot goes no where, actors are shouting, the conversations were as fake as pamela anderson's front, the ligths were going off at the wrong time, the setting looked worse than that of a school play (im very defemsive of school plays these days haha)....

For the first time ever, i found myself looking at the curtain, counting the lights rigged up there, and like in an episode of Simpsons, my mind said "you can stay here but im leaving." Then there it was, intermission, i turned looked at mei, and we both couldn't say a word! We walked out of the play, its the first ever play ive walked out of, to which our only regret was not leaving earlier. Usually no matter how bad, you wanna give it a chance or at least see how the story ends.

And for the first time, i couldnt say a word, all i did was groan, and sighed, over and over and over. It was such an "overwhelming" experience of displeasure. Im still shaking my head thinking about how bad it was. Well, if its one thing we knew, we had to give ourselves enormous amounts of pleasure to erase such negative emotions, so what did we do? have lasagna and choc nescafe ice blended at williams, of course. Ahhhhhhh

Every single play we've done or watch that we thought were horrible fades in comparison. Gosh, we have definitely got extremely talented people in MAM :) makes u appreciate it loads. I so feel like hugging all our lighting people, actors, SMs, ASM's...

If im ever in a play that bad, dont tell me its bad, just shoot me.

ps. thanks michael, love the thought hated the show.. :)

yours thanking God for a guy named william,


Anonymous said...

fyi, pam's boobs are no longer fake...

mei said...

saw it featured in todays papers n started groaning again...

jess said...

thank you, person who keeps updated on pams front. tsk.

cheeyokelo said...

i don't know about pam's boobs...but i do know that the MAM does have a lot of talented people and given the opportunity...they can really fly...
sorry to hear about your disappointment...well i guess you can never know how bad it is till you watched it la...and learn from it's mistake...

Anonymous said...

Er, was it by any chance Twinkle Tara?

jess said...

hey susan..
yeah it was? did you watch it? or did i just catch the actors on a bad night?

Anonymous said...

I watched it on Sat. But I don't have much experience watching plays so I didn't really catch any lighting or acting boo-boos, but I just thought it was getting really draggy and boring in the 2nd act, so it's a good thing you didn't stay and prolong your agony. :)