Monday, May 23, 2005

wHiRLpOoL oF dEsIrE

dear jess,

there's no sudden desire to write to you today, but i will try perhaps just to fulfill the satisfaction that i have written something.

See also : People pleaser, Pathetic & Desperate.

Its interesting to see how people think just by reading what they write. There's always the usual people chatting about their love lives, or rather the lack of it, the pressures of marriage, and so on so forth that i find rather tiring. I suppose i myself can go into it, and make a list of who i want to end up with, where i want to get married, and name all my kids, which probably i already have at the back of my mind only to be dissapointed, that my life wont turn out the way i planned it.

See also : Wedding, Sex, Romance, Names For Little Boys and Girls.

Moving on. I can write you another immensely depressing letter about my past hurts pains and torments but ive already done that, plus i had Starbucks today and Starbucks always puts a smile on my face, so there goes my painful inspiration much needed for some form of artisticness otherwise non-existant.

See also : Frappucino, Deppresion and Prozac.

I can write you my future dreams, my hopes, etc etc. But that sounds so boring or too exciting that i fear it might never come true. Or perhaps im in a state where time feels like its paused and there's nothing much to look forward too.

See also: Self-Pity, Time Travel and Idiots Guide to becoming a succesful person

So i dont have anything significant to write. But you read this anyway. Ill come back again when im inspired. If that happens.

See also: Idiot.


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