Wednesday, November 23, 2005

cAkeS shoULd oNLy bE maDE oUt oF iCiNG..

Dear jess

indecisiveness prone. At the risk of sounding like a backboneless person, sometimes I wish my decisions were pre made for me. So much for the fight of freedom of speech and free will.

Most of the time, it’s the little girl within me wanting to please everyone else or wondering what everyone else thinks that makes me indecisive. And to think I was spontaneous when on the contrary I over weigh things.

The package comes with the over regretting too, and when you think about huge life changing decisions you cant help but to go what if I make the wrong choice? Everyone tells you that marriage is one of the biggest decisions in life you will make and that notion leads to a string of domino effects. The idea that we deserve the ‘perfect’ mate, the idea that we should wear make up and look good on a date, the idea that she should be pretty and smart, the idea that he should romantic.. Its almost as if the icing was set so that we would bite into the cake.

Its irony that the idea of love is suppose to be as close to ‘unconditional,’ overlooking our flaws and yet we look for what we, or even more popular what our parents, friends, church mates and all the rif raf’s in our life deem best.


Another cookie in my life I can’t swallow. What if ten years down the road I’m married and then I realized I should’ve married someone else? Its almost like a cruel joke I can play on myself.

Perhaps that’s why I should elope on a spur of the moment decision. Give me more than 5 seconds to consider anything and ill never decide.

My cousin is getting married next year, and ‘the bridesmaids’ haven’t stopped singing..

Going to the chapel and we’re gonna get married..
Going to the chapel and we’re gonna get married..
Going to the chapel and we’re gonna get married..
Boy I really love you and we’re gonna get married..
Going to the chapel of love!

I’m glad not everyone’s like me at least I get to wear a cute dress, eat wedding cake and dance to jingling nona’s once a year! That i have no regret's

Yours fickle as ever,

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