Thursday, November 10, 2005

sPaRe cHanGe aNyBoDy?

dear jess,

My travel guru, who doesnt know ive just gave him that title has recently walked the Camino De Santiago, Spain. It is as ive mentioned in my previous letters, but for your sake, knowing you skipped or burned some of my previous letters; tell you again that the Camino is a pilgrimage journey thats about 37 days (800km) walk and ends at Santiago de Compostella where St James is laid. Legend remains that his disciples transported him to be buried here. The route since then has become a famous Christian pilgrimage, and is covered by beautiful landscapes. Okay, history lesson over. Back to my 'guru'

He left more than a year ago and recently i have found out how much it took for him to get started on this endless backpacking journey. 5000 ringgit, a relative home in London, and a month to get a job. 5000. thats probably a quarter of what some people i know make in a month. Okay so maybe a quarter is exaggeration.

So here iam. Left in my dreams and what he has made a reality. I know when he was babblin about this to me, i marked it off as a phase and almost wished he wouldnt do it. But im glad my wishes didnt come true cos his dreams have become mine! And i know soon enough there will be people, including myself who will wish this insane dreaming will stop.

You know, sometimes you sit there and tell yourself insane passions will stop, just as some have in the past. Then you imagine that you will live a good life where your highlight will be a wedding to a man you could live with, and not to the one you couldnt live without.

I mean there will always be honeymoons, holidays and retreats and with the family, normal family fights and dinners, joys and excitement when my cousins marry and i nominate myself to be the bridesmaid, tears and sadness when someone dies. Instead i want to exchange this for dirty toilets, damp beds, strange places, inedible food, possible arguments with travel partners, showers that will give me fungus, cheating cabbies or worse still those that will mug me.

What kind of insanity am i wanting here?

Spare me 5000 ringgit and ill tell you.

Yours counting every single penny,


Anonymous said...

sIgH chinese people say that 'the people who are the happiest are those that have the lowest requirements'

Sometimes I wonder if much education abroad, travelling and exposure to the world does produce people who are less happy :(

What do you think?

Anonymous said...

nah, u can't generalise.

sure u get unhappy when u realise how much efficient other places are or how much better th quality of life is at other places.

but at the end of the day, u'll realise that there is indeed no place like home - the people makes the difference.

i'll prolly get "kutuk-ed" for this but perhaps by being overseas, one may be more mature and open-minded - and thus learn to be contented.

of course, one can still learn that by not going overseas...

then again, if one went overseas and become less happier, it may not be a bad thing. if i was told that i'd be happier if i din go overseas, i'll still wont change a thing.

do i make sense? watever. me brain hurts...

~contented in colchester~

jess said...

mr. lawyer!! im disappointed in you! simply because u contradicted yourself by first saying you cant generalize then making statements about being overseas is better! (beh- er, watching to much naked chef) haha

hmm contentment is great gain, can we blame the old man in the kampung who is happy and see's no need for leaving for exposure and education?

Anonymous said...

HAhah as SOME people will say, both YES and NO.

So basically, you're saying that contentedness is not equal to happiness. I wonder if that's true... can't think, brain hurts too!

Anonymous said...

well, people do believe that ignorance can be bliss.

*tells self* do not post comments on deep stuffs when brain hurts. do not post...

~contradiction in colchester~