Thursday, February 23, 2006

mY litTLe "ChE"

dear jess,

do you know, how sometimes some dreams are so good that you dare not realise those dreams? like a passion you've waited for 2 years and another 2 and when the time comes to grasp it you'd rather not? Not because you're afraid, or perhaps a little, but maybe because you're afraid that your dream would actually come true. Or worse still, it remained so much sweeter when you were dreaming.

when you waited for your first kiss and when it happens you only remember how you forgot what its like. or when you promised to see someone again that when the time arrives you'd rather not? Or that you want the job, but when its finally here, you're afraid to fail.

Its true. We are our hardest critiques. In life and in love.

I couldnt live with myself if i wasn't good at what i do. If i was mediocre. And yet being just that is what i want sometimes. When i fail and suck, i hide. Nobody knows if they're positively the best at what they do, and sometimes its better if they didnt.

The time has almost come. Like a little girl risking everyone laughing at her for the hope of just a glimpse of what could've been, for the moment when looking into that light coloured eyes will bring back flashing memories, for the moment of reality, of realisation that maybe, just maybe letting it remain a sweet, sweet, dream was the best decision i should have made.

some dreams were meant to remain just that,


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